Sunday, September 07, 2008

20 weeks, 1 Day


Nerine said...

I can hardly beleive how big I am...

Shayo said...

Neither can Have you felt it kick yet? According to the baby centre update you should be feeling that by now. Eep!

Zeb said...

eek... i have shivers down my spine

Nerine said...

Yeah. First kick was about a week ago. Objecting to some serious coughing. I'm concerned this baby will share many opinions with the cats. Now there is regular kicking- most active in the afternoon and evening.

Shayo said...

Aargh! What does it feel like? The thought of the baby kicking terrifies me. I know it's a good sign and all but it's just so bizarre.

When my friend and sister were pregnant, I was too scared to touch their bellies for fear I would feel their babies kick/move/poke me through their stomachs. I'm pretty sure the latter is impossible but still. Shiver.

Nerine said...

It feels like a poke. Poke poke. Poke. It's not regular, sharp, hard, or rough. I understand that will change to feel more distinct, as the baby grows and the space diminishes.

And yes, you can feel it on the outside. Tony can already feel the movements. And there are stories on my birth club already about the baby kicking the flicker off the stomach, etc. By the end of the pregnancy, it may be possible to see the baby moving underneath my shirt. Oy.